Thursday, 23 December 2010

As the fallout of the imposters at MPs surgeries continues, and do see hypocrisy in the air.  I could tell you of the many, many comments and complaints that Labour Councillors have told me about how they have felt about each other.  I have lost count of how many have told me, in the days when we had lots of votes as everything not stitched up before hand, one of them has not come up to me and said how they had not wanted to vote the way they did but had to.  I am not going to repeat these stories, they were shared with me on a basis of one human being to another, but snowballs in glass houses comes to mind !
On a happier note it was time to take out the "No2ID" sticker out of the car, here I am in Sainsbury's Whitehouse Farm (in the ward I represent) car park taking it out.  Hooray.
On a sadder note I've just posted my last entry on my about to disappear blog at, so if you want to know more about what I've been doing have a look before it disappears on 1st January.