Friday, 31 December 2010

Counting blessings

The last day of the year, and I come across many problems with my various hats on.  Not problems created by Government, although I can see where some movement would make a difference to some.  I only hope that people can have some help to change the course of difficulties in the coming year. 
By the time I get into Stockton High Street Meynell's lovely cheeses have all been packed away, and M and S's shelves were nearly bare in some sections.  Sainsbury's at Whithouse Farm has lots of people and more bare shelves - there must be a famine coming along that nobody has told me about.  What a good job I can phone John to try to local Co-op at home.  What is even better is that these are very minor problems indeed to those so many have to endure.
A message comes though that residents in part of the ward are very cross indeed about a series of cuts to the electricity supply.  This happened some years ago, and it seems nothing is getting any better, and residents are right that the infrastructure is just not good enough.  Something to tackle next year when systems start moving again, but any ideas how to tackle NEDL ?
So now for trying out some rather unusual recipes I've put together with ingredients I've got, thankful I've got the food in, warmth, and hoping the oven works !
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year

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