Saturday, 29 January 2011

the real "Big Society"

Been lucky today in meeting lots of good people.  Round and about in the ward I was pleased to see a good turn out for Friends of Newham Grange Park doing the consultation on the next stage of the plan on the way forward.  Lighting or not ?  extension to cycleway ?  Older People's exercise equipment ? and where is the right place for the wetland area ?  Whichever way it goes it is because people have taken the trouble to work together to make the area better.  In this case really good.I met lots of people on my rounds, including all 4 pubs (but only 1 slimlike tonc between them!) and a Club.  An interesting discussion with a couple I have not met before who wanted to know what I thought about "big society".  Friends of Newham Grange Park is only developing the way it is because local people have actually started to do something, that, to me, is "big society", but it does need to have support and access to some resources, which is why it is so important to try to make sure the cuts do not affect the possibility.  I did try to encourage the couple to get involved in the local activities - but that was different!
Tonight was a get together for volunteers and trustees of Justice First, who work with asylum seekers.  We were eating at Maradin, on Prince Regent Street in Stockton.  Well worth a visit for a tasty kurdish meal in very realxed surroundings, and very economical too.  It was a chance to meet new people and get to know others better.  I was so struck by the absolute dedication of people who week in and week out give time, energy, and no doubt money to being part of "drop ins"twice a week, and providing a hot meal once a week.  They are giving so willingly, and stories about some of the asylum seekers that they meet are very moving.  One common theme is that the asylum seekers all want to return home to their own country "when it is safe", but in the meantime want to contribute to our society here in whatever way they can.  If only they had chance to be as much a part as they want, it would be a big improvement in our society I feel.  We can talk about "big society", but this is it  !!
Here is a photo of our lovely staff at Maradin, who gave such a good evening.

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