Sunday, 23 January 2011

Forgetting to tell people about the right to petition ?

I forgot to write about this earlier in the week - forgetting to let people know about the right to petition the Council.  Since September there has been legislation to allow people to not only submit a petition, but for there having to be action.  There are details in the depth of the Council website but only one has been submitted so far, and there has not been a press release from a Cabient member of the Council with them being quoted how wonderful it is.  I wonder why.
I raised this at full Council on Wednesday, and there will probably be some action now, and the message will get out.  2,000 signatures or more means there has to be a full and proper debate.  Labour were quick to shout they wanted to do this to talk about the Government, they have missed the point that it is about the Council and what it can do !
I am not blaming overworked Council officers for not doing the publicity - Cabinet members have responsiblities, are usually quoted in press releases - so why not take responsibility.

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