Saturday, 22 January 2011

Number 59 bus at the bus users forum

Complaints continue to come in to me about the 59 bus.  Mainly about buses being missed out and long waits for them at bus stops - not nice at all in this weather.  However today was the Public Transport Users Forum, written about in previous Readmyday blogs.  We had a long battle to get this forum established and it was well worth it, 74 people turned out today, with representatives of 3 bus companies and Council officers to listen to the problems, and present us with issues for the future.  The session is chaired by myy husband, John.
I had had quite a session at the last Forum meeting about the 59 bus so it was there as a report back on the agenda.  Stagecoach said that they had put more established drivers onto the route but there had been the snow (there usually is in winter, but the compaints had not been when snowing!) and roadworks (isn't there always somewhere!).  However they are continuing to monitor the situation so it is very important that people continue to pass on compaints giving times and locations when things go wrong.  We won't let the subject drop till it is sorted !
On a less encouraging note I find that the long awaited work for a ramp at the bridge at Thornaby Station is not going ahead.  Network Rail have spent so long, that the funding has now gone elsewhere.

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