Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Telephone conference

I am sat ready for the phone conference with Paul Burstow MP dead on 9.00 p.m. and am joined by Regional Chairs around the country.  Paul really did listen to concerns about the new Health Proposals, and I was able to ask a number of question related to what was raised yesterday at our Health Improvement Partnership.  I must say that I was impressed with his sincere and even passionate approach to the proposals that are being torn to shreds elsewhere.  There is no doubt that the intention is to be patient centred, and making real progress to change the NHS round to producing the sort of results that matter to patients.  I had been very worried about it all being an inroad and beginning of privatisation, but there is no reason at all for GPs to be going down that route at all as far as I could see tonight.  I've complained about quality of communication in the party since the coalition was formed, but tonight was an example of how it could be done with minimal time and expense.  And yes - I've done my report to send round people before writing my blog !
Fun time earlier in the day working out how we were going to transport lots of Fairtrade bunting adn display it in the High Street around the Town Hall.  Ideas anyone ? and no, we are not sending a Nigel onto the roof !

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