Friday, 18 March 2011

End of an era

It has finally gone public - the news of my retirement.  I decided I did not want to stand again for another 4 year term just 4 years ago, but did not feel I could reture till I had a good team to take my place.  My ward colleague Julia Cherrett is standing again, and Elliot Kennedy has been selected to take my place, standing for election with Julia for the Lib Dems in Bishopsgarth and Elm Tree Ward.  With 2 good people ready, willing and able to had the reigns over to, I can retire after nearly 30 years as a Councillor.
Letting people know has been carefully planned, with meetings, letters and phone calls to key people, and the latest Focus all meshing in.  I am very grateful to everyone who knew for keeping the confidence - it clearly has not leaked out as everyone told is quite shocked !
So it is a very strange time for me, and quite emotional, as so many people, friend and foe, saying such nice things.  It is the end of an era, 30 years is not far from half from my life, and I have been enormously priveleged to have had the opportunity to serve as Councillor for the people and community I think so much of.  However I have good people to carry on the work done, in Julia and Elliot.
Lots of people I tell on the doorstep say "happy retirmement".  I hope so too, but can only do so if people elect Julia and Elliot to look after the ward well as it has been in the past !
that is this weeks news (you must admit it is news!) and all at once as I've been catching up with the confernece report.

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