Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Big Society - will it happen ?

Big Society.  I am not going to try to explain what it means, but I am pretty sure I know what it isn't.  It isn't people having everything done for them, and it isn't anyone doing anything in the community being told exactly how to do it.
The big problem I have is how is it going to work when so many voluntary and community organsations, that will be essential for being part of the delivery of it, are on the point of going under, or making big cuts to greatly reduce capacity.
To say nothing of the reduction in support there could be from those that offer support, advice, and what we call "capacity building" - helping organisations to be able to stand on their own feet.
One the positve side, it looks as though organising a street party for the Royal Wedding is going to be easier with less bureaucracy.  I only said looks as though, but I've found a simple form sent out in the early days of the coaltion, and that should help some residents in the ward that are interested to begin planning.  I would add it here if I could work out how!

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