Friday, 4 February 2011

McKenzie Thorpe at the Mayor's Ball

Tonight's Mayor's Ball had an unusual turn on the menu.  Local born McKenzie Thorpe had donated a specially signed picture to be auctioned "see you Monday, George".  This was chosen by the Mayor because of his great interest in cycling, and he could remember cycling home from work in the 1950's -as did everyone in those days - on a Friday night and saying "see you Monday".  £1,200 was raised, a brilliant result for the generous offer.

We were very lucky to have some representatives of the Arthaus gallery in Richmond on our table, so able to find out a lot more about him and his work. A very welcome addition to the Ball (for us anyway!) was an escape from the loud music to a room set aside for an exhibition of his works.  Really good, we look forward to a trip to Richmond (the Yorkshire one of course!) to see more.

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