Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Not much chance for participation !!

The Market Forum was the usually enegetic and vigorous debate with the market traders from Stockton High Street as well as the Thornaby and Billingham Markets.  In some ways this is my favourite Council Committee, back to basics and none of the nonsense we sometimes get elsewhere.  It was revealing to find that there is a "vision" for Stockton that is going to be launched with a consultation on March 3rd.  It will have to end 3 weeks later because of the forthcoming elections.  now am I being cynical, or is there some connection with elections here ? launching a long term vision with a very short time for public to participate and give views ?
What do you think ?
Another fact gleaned.  The Council Annual meeting after the elections sounds as though it is going to be at Wynyard Hall.  A splendid place, no doubt.  It may even work out cheaper when I see the figures.  However - how on earth to the public get there ?  I've spent my time on the Council standing up for openness in decision making - I do wonder does anyone ever, ever listen.

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