Thursday, 19 May 2011

The All Party party

One of the downsides of being a Councillor is that there is no such thing as “sick leave”, so I suppose it is a bonus that having a nasty bug during the week meant that I didn’t have to worry about keeping up with the Council work!  However not my idea of retirement.  However I have managed to do lots of doorstep work with Christian Aid (maybe doorsteps are my second home), Jack’s birthday tea, and a Thank You party for the Eaglescliffe Ward Lib Dems (I did deliver all of the road I live in!).  Lib Dems do know how to say Thank You.

Then there was the “All Party, Thank You Party” for Council Officers that myself and other retired Councillors held in the Town Hall.  We think around 80 came, and it was a great opportunity to have the chance to say a proper goodbye and “thank you” to the wonderful staff.  Here is a picture of the Councillors who did the organising (minus John who had popped out for a minute).

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