Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Hardwick Dene and some reminiscing

The last today is the Hardwick Dene meeting, where we work on making the Dene an attractive and soundly environmentally natural area.  I feel it is something of a miracle that we have this on the edge of one of the most deprived wards in the country, and there is a lot to be proud of - and lots more work to do !
After the meeting we were recalling early days.  I first turned up many years ago becuase of concerns around mud on the road by new delvelopments, and in no time at all was involved in the much more positive work around The Dene.  The biggest achievement was saving the wildlife meadow in what is now in our ward, and stopping the Council from building on this rare area with its lovely flowers, butterflys and moths.  I could write a little book about that episode - maybe when I retire I'll do some blog stories of some of the battles, this one thankfully being won.

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