Monday, 25 April 2011

Lies ! illegal immigrants, and egg rolling

Take a look at this link about why we need AV - won't take long, and does put the case well in everyday language.
You get used to lies in politics.  Downright untruths.  But what the NO campaign has been coming out with is the worst example in public that I have seen in nearly 40 years.  It is disgraceful.  If AV does get through, I know who I won't be putting as my second choice !!
I wasn't so cross as not to go out with family and some beautifully decorated eggs (grandchildren, not us did them, needless to say), for some traditional egg rolling which I have done every year since I can remember (and probably before that too) on Easter Monday.

We went to our lovely Ropner Park, and it was a sight to behold.  Spring in action, fresh, lovely flowers and trees and fanilies of all ages enjoying playing, walking and enjoying themselves.  Well worth a visit if you are in or near Stockton, and well run by the Friends of Ropner Park. We had a bit of a surprise though walking where I haven't been for a long time, round the lake.  An interesting looking piece of metal was, we found on the notice nearby, a Bitt - part of the shipping heritage that the Ropner family were famous for and made their money (some of which was well spent on giving Ropner Park to the public!).  Very interesting to see from the informative plaque that Robert Ropner was born in Germany and "stowed away on a shop bound for Hartlepool in 1857". 
So must have been an illegal immigrant, but people don't complain about that do they !!!

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