Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Hope from "The Help"

After today's "last" - Elm Tree Community Centre meeting, it was a night off from campaigning and the book club I go to with lovely non political friends.  this months book was "The Help".  An inspirational story about black maids working for white women as recently as the 1960's.  The part of the book that really moved me was how brave those maids were that put their working lives, families, and even maybe their lives in danger by daring to tell their stories.  Even though it was anonymous.  Their courage was part of that of many others who made the difference in the Civil Rights movement in America at that time.
It brought to mind "Wake up a Devil in the Dark" (I wrote about this on 20th February) being worked on right now, where asylum seekers removed to DRC are writing their stories on how they have been treated on their forced return.  Again they are writing anonymously,again they are taking a huge risk though.  I only hope that as in "The Hope" it has the right impact.

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